Friday 28 August 2015

Move It Production - Thank You!

I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all those who helped with our Senior Syndicate Production of Move It. Your efforts have ensured that it was a successful and memorable experience!

The Final Show - Winnie

The Final Show!

I can't believe it is almost over! The singing, dancing, acting had finally finished. There was no more! Well that's what I believed...I still had tunes buzzing around in my head from our production called Move It!

Last night I felt I did better than Wednesday night. It went well. The crowd was clapping loudly and after the production I slept well after a good book (of course!) I think the choir did the best that night. I was proud of the choir (I was in the choir), I think we looked great. The dance group danced in time really well together.

I think the senior syndicate put on a great show. It was the first production with so many people on the stage dancing. I also really liked the songs they danced to. This was a great last production for me at Sunnybrae.

The next morning was very strange because we only had 11 people in our class as the rest had a sleep in! Lucky! I didn't sleep in because my parents had to go to work. Our hard work paid off in the end because the production nights turned out really well.

Production Poems By: Jae Won

Production Poems
By: Jae Won

I’m in the choir.
The music was so awesome.
No more lipstick please!

The scaffolding was so big.
The Hypnotiks won!
Sam’s upset.

The dancing was cool.
The sound was so amazing.

Super Production!

Friday 14 August 2015